Empowering YOU to Embody your Greatest Potential
Do you desire support on
your journey?
Are you currently utilizing Ashati/Reiki energies for your healing, or have you taken a break and wish to resume, seeking some extra support on your path?
You have the option to schedule supportive sessions tailored to assist you in unlocking your fullest potential. These sessions provide continuous guidance, support, and encouragement during your 21-day self-healing and integration periods, whether in between levels or after completion.
These 1:1 mentoring sessions may include energy & intuitive healing, Compassion Key process, personalized guided meditations, psychic readings, or program coaching/intuitive guidance sessions.
In each approach, I channel high vibrational energies to enhance your conscious awareness on all levels, aiding in comprehending your personal healing journey and fostering self-love and self-compassion.
We have the opportunity to work on overcoming resistance, addressing blocks, confronting fears, and integrating shadow aspects. This process enables a smoother, more devoted, and expansive progression on your personal Ashati journey.
Furthermore, these sessions provide practical advice, techniques, and tools to navigate challenges in daily life and address queries related to your self-healing practice.
Sessions can be scheduled either in-person in Tallai Gold Coast or remotely via phone or Zoom
If you're interested in commencing your journey with these energies, explore more through the available options in Training Programs | Individual Levels.