Keah offers a range of client-centered intuitive healing sessions using a combination of mentoring, Ashati Energy Healing, Neo-Shamanic and metaphysical techniques.
Alchemist & Ashati Program Teacher
Keah combines her background in Physiotherapy with a range of integrative healing modalities. She specializes in providing intuitive guidance, Energy & Neo-shamanic healing sessions all delivered in a safe and sacred space. These transformative sessions are created to transmute any unhelpful energies and activate deep healing on all levels to restore inner harmony & balance. Keah is passionate about empowering individuals to be led by their own inherent healing intelligence and to live a life that is guided by their higher self.
Offerings •✧•
Intuitive Energy Healing — $140 (90mins)
Keah offers intuitive energy sessions using a combination of mentoring, psychic guidance, Neo-Shamanic & Ashati Energy Techniques (Reiki 1-3, Alsemia 1-8 & Ashati 1-3 Certified) for an all encompassing healing of a person’s bio-energy field (physical, emotional, mental & spiritual).
Emotional Alchemy — $150 (120mins)
This session uses Emotional Alchemy techniques followed by an Intuitive Energy Healing to release, purify, ground, heal & balance your mind, body & spirit. Channeled intuitive guidance & psychic insights are also offered to recipients during healing sessions (refer to intuitive healing session for more information).
Subconscious Explorations™ (Ashati System) — $130 (90mins)
This service combines the benefits of a comprehensive Ashati Energy Healing (focusing on physical, mental, emotional & spirit) combined with a Subconscious Exploration session. The energy healing will facilitate journeying through altered states of consciousness to allow deep subconscious exploration, healing and integration on all levels. Sessions place recipients in a trance-like state so they can receive the most healing benefits & guidance from their higher-self.
Foreign Substance Detox — $170 (90mins)
Keah has been certified & trained by the Neo-Shamanic Society to specifically deal with adverse reactions related to foreign substance inoculations in the bioenergy field. She is able to assist with imbalances, detoxification & restructuring of the energetic field which has a corresponding effect on the physical condition & improves how you feel physically.
Intuitive Energy Healing
$120 - 90min Remote Healing Session
The branches of intuitive energy healing Keah employs in treatments include; Ashati, Alsemia and Reiki energy systems infused with quantum healing techniques. These combined energy systems form a more advanced energy healing technique that focuses on healing all levels of a person’s bio-energy field (physical, mental, emotional & spiritual). Along with physical healing, these combined energies address emotional blocks and release stuck emotions so that they are no longer stored in the body. Keah is a advocate for emotional wellbeing as she believes that emotions (suppressed & repressed) and trauma left unresolved in the body can create psychosomatic symptoms, leading to the manifestation of physical pain & disease. During sessions Keah may also work on aura clearing & healing, cord cutting and chakra re-balancing (see below for more details). With a healthy aura, you’re more easily able to maintain strong energetic boundaries and protect yourself from lower vibrational energies. In-session connection to clients guides & psychic guidance will be brought forward to assist you on your path.
Holistic energetic healing, rest and relaxation
Channeled intuitive & psychic guidance
Energetic cord cutting, cord repair & aura healing
Psychic aura scan & pendulum chakra assessment
Chakra realignment, balancing & activation
Pineal Gland detox from calcification
Physical & etheric body healing (Alsemia & Reiki energies)
Removal of energetic stress webs
HPA (Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal) axis re-balancing
Hara dimension healing
Soul rescue & entity clearing (if required)
Assistance with emotional release, clearing & re-balancing
Bio-energy cleansing, grounding & protection
Emotional Alchemy
$150 - 120min In-person or Remote Healing Session
Emotional alchemy utilizes a combination of kinesiology and metaphysical healing techniques to access the grand computer of your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind (along with numerous other physiological functions) is capable of storing vast amounts of information. Like an incredible recording device, your subconscious intelligence holds memories & the ability to access stored information from all aspects of your life. In particular, your subconscious mind can recall any emotions (energy in motion) that may have been trapped or stored in your body. It can also tell what the emotion was, when it was stored and if there are any inherited trapped emotions present from your ancestral line.
Emotions can become trapped in your physical body when they are suppressed, repressed, too overwhelming to deal with (trauma), from childhood, ancestry, pre/post natal, absorbed from others or simply when we do not have the appropriate tools to deal with such emotions. Overtime, trapped emotions in the physical vessel can have a negative effect on your physical, emotional and mental well-being. If not addressed or released appropriately, this can result in a myriad of complications from physical illness or disease, mood disorders, phobias, pain, unhelpful habits/behaviors, addictions, formation of heart walls and so on.
The Emotional Alchemy Session uses a technique that gently, effectively and permanently helps identify & liberate trapped emotions in a safe and supportive space with ease & grace. Releasing trapped emotions may help improve and resolve a wealth of different issues, improve your overall well-being & quality of life. Releasing trapped emotions creates space in your body to hold more of the light of your true essence, inviting in aligned higher vibrational frequencies into your field.
The integrative session also includes an Intuitive Energy Healing to release, purify, ground, heal & balance your mind, body & spirit. Channeled intuitive guidance & psychic insights are also offered to recipients during healing sessions (refer to intuitive healing session for more information).
Holistic energetic healing, rest and relaxation
Channeled intuitive & psychic guidance
Energetic cord cutting, cord repair & aura healing
Psychic aura scan & pendulum chakra assessment
Chakra realignment, balancing & activation
Pineal Gland detox from calcification
Physical & etheric body healing (Alsemia & Reiki energies)
Removal of energetic stress webs
HPA (Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal) axis re-balancing
Hara dimension healing
Soul rescue & entity clearing (if required)
Assistance with emotional release, clearing & re-balancing
Bio-energy cleansing, grounding & protection
Subconscious Explorations™ (Ashati System)
$120 - 90min Remote Healing Session
Subconscious Explorations™ (Ashati System) The energies and methods used in this unique and advanced form of healing will help recipients reach a deep meditative state in order to explore their subconscious and the knowledge, issues, emotions, thoughts, beliefs, fears, and other energies within it that affect them and that they need to reconnect with as part of their own healing and development journey (including possible karmic relationships with others, past-lives and life-between-lives energies). This remarkably profound trance-like meditative state will be naturally and quickly induced by specific waves of energy, and guided by the recipient’s own higher-self (a much higher part of their own subconscious mind).
This energetic work will facilitate profound healing on many levels, as required for that session, and will enable the recipient to connect and explore different layers of their subconscious mind, with the guidance of their practitioner along the way and afterwards. A client will simply sit (ideally in a reclined and comfortable seat) or lie down, fully dressed and perhaps with a blanket (in cold weather), while an Ashati Practitioner specifically trained for this advanced method of healing will bring waves of different energies into their entire being (no hands on work is required during this type of healing.
This energetic work will often be felt as a very deep, rich in energetic sensations, and with the feeling of reconnecting with higher and higher levels within one’s own subconscious mind, sometimes even to feelings and memories from beyond this lifetime and this dimension – if the person is open, ready and willing to do this (not mandatory).
The many different types of advanced healing energies will facilitate a natural and deep healing on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. A lot of guidance and new insights are often received during the session itself, or within the next few days, as the energies get integrated and the conscious mind processes them (becoming aware of them). The strong healing energies may make some people fall asleep, especially if their body is not used to deep energetic work. The healing effects will however remain exactly the same, as the session is more about receiving the energies, and most of the healing work will actually take place during the few days after. The practitioner will guide the recipient through this process and will also be able to tune into the recipient’s energy to provide feedback and advice afterwards. Staying awake but not consciously connecting with much during these explorations of the subconscious is often due to possible worries about the process, a lack of experience in understanding the connection process, deeper healing happening and making the person unable to consciously connect during that session, subconscious resistance in regards to a particular issue affecting them, or other factors.
A progressive approach to Subconscious Exploration can then help to connect more easily and to release blockages layer by layer, over a few sessions. These Subconscious Explorations™ are combined with additional and complementary energy healing work, bringing the powerful Alsemia (levels 1 to 3) and Ashati energies into the body, the aura (all its energy bodies) and the chakras of a person.
These Subconscious Explorations™, usually intense and very rich in sensations, are indeed for anyone seeking relaxation, healing (all levels of their being), answers to questions about what is affecting them in this life and possibly from previous lives, who they are as a soul and spirit, or simple curiosity or intuitive guidance, for example. Although open to anyone, the Subconscious Explorations™ require to have an open mind about the existence of subconscious issues and energies, energy centres, energy healing, the soul and the process of reincarnation. An acceptance to go through the healing process afterwards is also essential. This may indeed bring to the surface repressed emotions and other energies that they are ready to feel and release once and for all, as guided by the higher aspect of their subconscious mind: their higher-self. Some tiredness, sensitivity, irritability and other light symptoms are possible during a few days after a session, due to this deep healing process. A lot of positive feelings, clarity, new levels of balance and reconnection are also expected from this intense healing and development period, which can be life-changing.
Holistic energetic healing, rest and relaxation
Channeled intuitive & psychic guidance
Energetic cord cutting, cord repair & aura healing
Psychic aura scan & pendulum chakra assessment
Chakra realignment, balancing & activation
Pineal Gland detox from calcification
Physical & etheric body healing (Alsemia & Reiki energies)
Removal of energetic stress webs
HPA (Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal) axis re-balancing
Hara dimension healing
Soul rescue & entity clearing (if required)
Assistance with emotional release, clearing & re-balancing
Bio-energy cleansing, grounding & protection
Foreign Substance Detox
$170 - 90min Remote Healing Session
Keah has been certified & trained by the Neo-Shamanic Society to specifically deal with adverse reactions related to foreign substance inoculations within the bioenergy field. She is able to assist with imbalances, detoxification and restructuring of the energetic field which has a corresponding effect on the physical condition and improves how you feel physically. This healing is for those who feel called to remove damage caused by vaccines or other external substances containing heavy metals, toxins, minerals and unknown particles. It is a very thorough and profound energetic clearance & healing that is able to restore the human bio-energy field back to its natural, balanced and optimal functioning state.
Clearing & Healing DNA manipulation
Heavy metal cellular detox
Removal of clouds, mucus & miasma from Bio-Energy Field
Energetic Chelation (improves Bio-Energetic circulation & flow)
Clearing, re-shaping & restructuring of Chakras
HPA (Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal) axis re-balancing
Pineal Gland detox from calcification
Healing with plasma, rose-gold & gold light frequencies
Intuitive energetic healing & psychic guidance
Elemental grounding, blessings & protection
All healing services provided are intended to offer spiritual guidance, personal reflection and insights all for your highest good. Energetic Alchemy offers its services with the intention of empowering you to take full responsibility for your life choices, wellness and healing journey. By engaging with Energetic Alchemy you agree that you are a willing participant in the services provided and take full responsibility for all aspects of your health. Energy healing practitioners do not diagnose illness, disease, or mental disorder. Energy healing is not a substitute for medical care. All services are offered in good faith and are not intended to replace any medical, legal, financial or other professional advice. We are not responsible for any action or inaction as a result of your participation in the services we provide. Healing practitioners are a channel and facilitator, offer healing energies, guidance and support. All services are offered with utmost care, compassion and respect.
Frequently Asked Questions
Intuitive energy healing (IEH) is a nurturing energy therapy in which a practitioner guides healing energy into the receiver’s body in order to promote the natural flow of energy through the body and energy field. An IEH session assists the body in its natural ability to heal, helping release stagnant energy and promoting a feeling of rest, harmony and balance.Energy healing is a holistic healing modality, meaning that it works on the totality of our being: our physical body, our mental body, our emotional body, our energy body and our spiritual body. Intuitive energy healing allows the practitioner to enter their own deep meditative state, accessing an altered state of consciousness and opening up to receive intuitive guidance about a clients health or life situation. The only guidance that will come through will be for the client’s highest good and what they are ready to deal with. Any suggestions made by Keah will be to assist with the body's natural ability to achieve a balanced state, to the extent of which the client’s body and highest knowing will allow.
Suitable for anyone open to holistic healing therapies as treatment optimises one's own innate ability to heal.
We discuss your individual needs and goals as well as any specific issues or concerns you would like addressed in your session. You begin relaxed, fully clothed, lying on a therapy table. Using hands off and light contact touch, Keah will work through your subtle energy system to assess, clear and balance your energy field in a way that is best for you. Most people feel very relaxed as sessions allow for the release of physical, emotional and spiritual pain or stagnant energy. This allows the individual to begin making the necessary changes, and shifts in awareness towards a more positive life experience. Post session, you will briefly discuss your experience and address any questions you may have. Intuitively speaking, Keah may perceive information that pertains to your overall well being, current life situation, past pain or injuries, relationships, etc. With your consent, information will be shared freely with you in the post session discussion. All intuitive information is received with a heart-centered intention to support and empower you on your personal journey.
Remote sessions can also be performed via phone or zoom, so you can enjoy from the comfort of your own home. Distant IEH sessions work because energy is not limited by distance. Distance is a physical limitation only. The distance Reiki symbol is used to cross any distance in time or space. It allows practitioners to clear blockages from someone's past, as well as perform reiki on someone who is not physically present. Distance energy healing works according to an ancient principle called the Hermetic Law of Similarity, which states that we are all connected, as we are all made of energy and part of a larger whole. Remote energy healing sessions invoke this law, allowing the practitioner to link up to the energy field of the recipient that exists naturally. Similarly as distance is not an obstacle for radio signals or mobile phones, it is not an obstacle for energy healing.